Trees cut, footpath not cleared forcing people to walk on the main road

In a clear indication of the inefficiency of the officials in panaji, a tree was cut, near the lake in campal, and the branches were kept on the footpath.
The branches were cut because it was a popular local hangout, and young people would often drink beer and other stuff there.
For more than 3 weeks, the branches are remaining on the footpath and there is no one to remove the branches
So though there a big foothpath, with swach bharat painted on it, almost no one can walk on the footpath, because of the branches in the middle
The people are forced to walk close to the main road, which is very risky, since many drivers are driving their vehicle at a speed which is much higher than the speed limit.
It again shows the lack of vision of the tree cutters, if they were not planning to remove the branches, why cut them.