Amazon delivery fails since it relies on school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, having extra marital affair with fraud ntro employee parmar
Please note that because of the unreliable internet connectivity in panaji, goa, the ads are not checked. The ad network penalizes publishers for non-placement of ads, so all ad requests received are copy pasted on the website
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In a clear indication of the endless harassment of NTRO, raw, cbi to cover up their google, tata masterminded sex,bribery racket, banking, online, paypal fraud on a single woman engineer, domain investor since 2010 , cbi has blocked the amazon delivery number, so that she cannot contact the amazon delivery person
The domain investor had called the Amazon delivery number 912067325555 repeatedly in panaji goa from her airtel number , instead of asking for her PIN, it is giving the message, that number is not in use at around 11 am in panaji, goa
This clear indicates the extent of the google, tata masterminded SEX, bribery racket on the domain investor with 10 google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of the domain investor
Why is amazon relying on the call girl R&AW employee sunaina chodan, school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh, mother of lazy greedy fraud sons karan, nikhil ,for scheduling the delivery time for the domain investor, engineer,
If any internet sector company had any decency and humanity they would have got gujju housewife naina removed because naina has no connection at all with the indian internet sector,cbi is paying gujju housewife naina a monthly salary only for her EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIR with powerful fraud ntro employee parmar and having regular sex with him