I Found the Place That I’ve Been Searching for Since Childhood

When I was a little girl, my mom had this friend who lived in an apartment complex that made me so happy every time we went to go visit her. It felt like you were walking into a beautiful, lush park once you walked onto the property. I’ve been searching for a place like that for years, and I finally found one when I was looking for luxury apartments for rent in Mission Viejo last month. I had gotten to the point where I came to accept that I wouldn’t find a place like that again, and then I was realized I was wrong when I showed up at the first place on my list of places to look at. I found my dream complex!

When my mom went to visit her girlfriend when I was a kid, I would beg her to let me go outside and play. Outside, I would race outside to look at the beautiful fountain outside. Birds would stop there for a drink and a bath. They would flit around the edges of the fountain and then jump down into the water and splash back and forth. They looked so peaceful and happy! Then, I would race off to go dip my toes in the pool and sit for awhile. I loved that place so much and always wished that my mom and I could move there.

When I found this place that I’m renting now, I was expecting it to be a nice place, but I knew something was different as soon as I stepped foot on the property. There were lush plant everywhere I looked. Then as I walked further into the complex, I look to my right and I saw a running water fountain. I saw a little bird landing on it for drinks and baths! I was stunned! And as luck would have it, the unit that I am now renting looks right over the bathing and drinking birds every day.