Ordering anything online has become a risky deal because often the couriers are finding it difficult to get directions to the house of the person who has ordered the items. The problem is particularly severe in case of cash on delivery items, as the seller can make a loss if the item is not delivered. NTRO employees are routing the phone calls of domain investors, online buyers through their girlfriends and relatives in R&AW/CBI without a legally valid reason, as part of identity theft campaign.
However often these R&AW/CBI employees are fast asleep or too busy with their other activities to handle these routed phone calls and because of the incompetence of these indian government employees , the courier is wasting time trying to contact the buyer to get directions to the address for delivery, and the delivery of the item ordered is also delayed.
When indian intelligence employees are unable to attend to phone calls often, why is NTRO routing the phone calls of indian citizens to the lazy intelligence employees, why not allow the courier to contact directly