Monthly Archive: June 2017

Postman is usually very familiar with a particular area

If anyone is looking for directions or information about a particular area or house, one of the best persons to be contacted is the postman dealing with the area as they are delivering mail to almost every house in the locality. They will know the name of the person in every house, where the house is located and who is likely to be at home during the day.
They also know how homes in the particular locality are identified, for example most homes are numbered sequentially in an area, Unlike couriers who keep changing in smaller courier companies or ecommerce deliveries, the postman is there in a particular locality for at least a few years, though some postmen may be transferred away or they retire after 58 or as per government regulations

Google maps are not very reliable

Though google maps are widely promoted in the media and used by some government departments they are not very reliable, especially in India, where ntro is hacking the internet connections extensively. Google maps are not funded by google, they are basically crowdsourcing and the accuracy of information depends to a large extent on the number of volunteers that google is getting in the area.
Since google, tata are extremely vicious in defaming, cheating, torturing and exploiting those who use the internet extensively, especially paypal account holders and domain investors, most of them try to keep their internet usage to the minimum, so they will not do much work which is not productive
So often google maps do not have accurate information about a place, how to reach there. In the united states and other countries where internet users are not subjected to any atrocities , google maps may be of some use, however in India especially in small towns they cannot be trusted.

Please note that google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees especially slim goan obc bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, with thick hair, is not doing any work online and not spending any money online on domain names though NTRO, CBI, google, tata employees having sex with goan VVIP sex worker R&AW employee sunaina have been making fake claims since 2012 to get the goan sex worker a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the real domain investor, google competitor who is getting nothing
The disclaimer is posted to prevent further sex trade, slander, fake claims by the google, tata employee who are pimps for sex workers and frauds, especially in goa

Dangers of asking for directions

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There are many dangers of asking for directions especially in a new city or town. It immediately becomes obvious that the person is a stranger to the place. If the area is one of the less safe areas of the town or city with a high crime rate, there is a possibility that a robber or mugger may attack the person, and steal his or her belongings, cause injuries.
So it is not advisable to go to a new area, especially unsafe areas alone. The danger for single women is very high, so it is advisable to send some one to the more dangerous areas of the town. This is the reason why almost all courier delivery persons are male

Please note that google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, cheater housewife like shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees especially slim goan obc bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, with thick hair, is not doing any work online and not spending any money online on domain names though NTRO, CBI, google, tata employees having sex with goan VVIP sex worker R&AW employee sunaina have been making fake claims since 2012 to get the goan sex worker a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the real domain investor, google competitor who is getting nothing
The disclaimer is posted to prevent further sex trade, slander, fake claims by the google, tata employee who are pimps for sex workers and frauds, especially in goa

Signboards for directions

While it is relatively easy to find the location of a particular building or business in a commercial area, it is far more difficult to find the exact location of a business in a residential or mixed area. So it is advisable for a business to put a sign board that specifies the location of the business, shop, hotel or establishment .
Ideally the sign board should be placed on the main road, and on the route to the business, The signboard should be repeated after a few hundred meters so that the person is aware that he or she is going in the right direction. In case there is a road junction, the signboard should also be placed at the junction, so that the visitor can find the place, without asking anyone.
In addition to helping visitors find the business location, the signboards are also a good form of advertising and brand building, as people who travel along the route are aware that a particular business exists, which they can visit whenever they require

R&AW/CBI employees make it difficult for couriers to get directions

Ordering anything online has become a risky deal because often the couriers are finding it difficult to get directions to the house of the person who has ordered the items. The problem is particularly severe in case of cash on delivery items, as the seller can make a loss if the item is not delivered. NTRO employees are routing the phone calls of domain investors, online buyers through their girlfriends and relatives in R&AW/CBI without a legally valid reason, as part of identity theft campaign.
However often these R&AW/CBI employees are fast asleep or too busy with their other activities to handle these routed phone calls and because of the incompetence of these indian government employees , the courier is wasting time trying to contact the buyer to get directions to the address for delivery, and the delivery of the item ordered is also delayed.
When indian intelligence employees are unable to attend to phone calls often, why is NTRO routing the phone calls of indian citizens to the lazy intelligence employees, why not allow the courier to contact directly

Couriers find it difficult to get directions

Due to the extremely poor infrastructure in India, couriers often find it very difficult to locate most places, especially in posh areas of the small towns. Compared to middle class and lower middle class localities, there are relatively few people roaming in the streets in posh areas, so the courier finds it difficult to get directions to any place asking people for directions.
If the courier is not familiar with the area, they usually will phone the person to whom the letter or parcel is addressed to ask for directions, However in many cases for indian citizens, their phone calls are routed through R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who will often block the phone call out of hatred or malice or because they are too busy with other activities.
So the courier will try contacting the recipient of document, he will often get a message that the phone is switched off. It appears that courier companies are covering large areas and do not have detailed information about houses in most localities.

Location of shops and commercial establishments

Many places which depend on walk in customers like retail stores, restaurants, beauty parlours, doctor clinics will try to ensure that their potential customers can easily find the office, shop, or commercial premises without wasting any time, especially if they have spent a lot of time advertising online and offline.

There is a real possibility that the customer may get tired of searching for a particular place, and opt for another place offering the same or similar services or product. This is reason why real estate on the main roads is far more expensive compared to shops in an interior location

The written directions to a particular place are clearly specified in all the advertising material supplied like newspaper, magazine, print media advertisements, flyers and other promotional content

Landmarks and street signs

Landmarks and street signs can be a very convenient way of locating a particular house . In most large cities and towns, the town planners have divided the city or town into different plots and localities, and houses in the locality are number sequentially.

There are street signs available, which will indicate the street name, so the postal address can be used to find out where exactly the person is living or working from. The streets are usually number sequentially with a number , while the name of the locality is determined by other factors

Landmarks are usually a prominent commercial locality like a shopping centre or educational facility like school or college

Verbal directions,information to reach a place

Usually a person will visit a particular place only if he or she wishes to contact any person. Unless it is a surprise visit, the visitor will usually contact the person they are meeting on phone to fix the time of the visit. If the visitor is not familiar with the place, he or she will also ask the person who they are visiting, detailed directions to the place, so that they are not confused and do not waste their time, money in going to the wrong place.

However if the phone calls, are diverted to R&AW/CBI employees like the goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak who looks like actress kangana ranaut, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, it can be difficult to communicate clearly on phone, as these officials are manipulating the conversation, putting words into the mouth of the caller and the person he or she is talking to.

R&AW/CBI are routing the conversation to their employees falsely claimining national security, and these women are manipulating the words or injecting disturbance into the conversation, making it difficult to understand what is being told.

Smartphones for getting directions

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There are modern gadgets using GPS technology which allows the user to pinpoint the location and reach their destination, However not all citizens can avail of these technology especially in India, because the corrupt ntro officials on the payroll of google, tata are allegedly mercilessly hacking the electronic and microcontroller controlled devices of domain investors, so these gadgets are malfunctioning for some people.
So the latest technology is not much use for some to get quick direction, because of the blatant casteism,lookism and ageism in the tech, internet sector especially in goa because of the lazy greedy GOAN GSB FRAUD R&AW/CBI employees extortionsit housewife riddhi nayak who looks like bollywood actress kangana ranaut, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar. These officials will also claim that their lazy greedy goan sex partners, relatives and friends own these gadgets of a private citizen, though the associates of the officials do not spend any money on the gadgets or the mobile phone connection.

Though GPS systems and online maps like Google maps are becoming popular among younger people for finding directions, they have many limitations and are not very accurate. These can be only used to locate a particular place which has been entered in the online database used by these software. So in large metros, for places which are frequented by tech savvy IT professionals,there may be detailed directions and reviews available. In other places which are relatively remote, almost no kind of information will be available.