Not satisfied with stealing the identity of the domain investor to get a cbi job School dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina and her family are also harassing the domain investor when she places any order online, blocking access to her house, parking their car in front of the gate, making it difficult for the courier to find the house and deliver the item ordered.
The courier persons are usually checking the address written on the name plate of the house, and if there is a car parked in front of the house, it is blocking access, the courier person cannot find the house address, and are delivering the items ordered elsewhere.
Now that the school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina has been exposed as a semiliterate fraud, who does not know anything about the internet, her lazy greedy young sons karan, nikhil are harassing the domain investor, parking their expensive new car in front of her gate, so that courier persons cannot find the house
When the gate is opening outwards, it will naturally hit the vehicle, and instead of admitting that it was their mistake, parking the car in front of the gate and blocking access, the gujju fraudsters are audacious enough to complain to the police. Being pampered, protected and rewarded by their powerful fraud sugar daddies ntro employees puneet, parmar, has made the lazy greedy young gujju fraudsters nikhil, karan extremely arrogant.