I Need to Find a New Roommate

I have just now started to hunt for a new place to stay, because my current roommate has sort of lost his grip on reality. I never knew that he had mental health issues, but a couple of weeks ago he started to behave rather bizarrely. I eventually figured out where to get in touch with his parents and they told me he must have stopped taking his medication. At any rate his name is on the lease and so I can walk away. I spent this morning looking at alamo heights apartments for rent and I am trying to figure out how to afford one of them, since the location is as close to ideal as I could hope for. However I really do need a new roommate and that is something that I am trying to figure out. The math makes the reason for this really easy to figure out.

It is really simple. For example if you pay six hundred dollars a month for a single bedroom apartment, then the same complex is probably going to rent you a two bedroom place for around seven hundred and thirty dollars. Obviously you are on the hook for every penny of the six hundred dollars, unless you can find a girlfriend who wants to share the bedroom and split the rent with you too. If you get a roommate then you only have to pay half of what is owed. In that example you would pay three hundred and sixty five dollars per month. That saves you two hundred and thirty five dollars. It is pretty simple. For me that is a car payment, which is a really big deal. You want to be able to live a bit after you have paid the rent and the big bills.