When we first moved to Texas last year we had to find a place to live fast. I got a job offer and we just up and left. We stayed in a motel that the company paid for when we first got here. It was about a month before we got an apartment. We knew nothing about the surrounding area, and we ended up in a lease for a year that we would have been better off not to have signed. Now that the lease was expiring, we both had been looking at apts for rent in the San Antonio area.
We have had a year now to explore the are and get to know the neighborhoods a lot better. If I had known about the place we originally moved to like I know it now, I would have never rented. We have been looking for a place closer to where I work, and Lookout Canyon is close but still is within an area where we have access to shopping and all the stuff we need. Most of the things we like are located in this area anyway. I found the Regency apts, and that was like finding gold. It is in a really nice school district, and this will be a huge step up for our child.
She rolls along with anything that comes her way, and she is not having too much of a rough time because she is only in first grade. However, we wanted her in a much better school district long before she gets to high school. The rent at the Regency is great for all the stuff we will get. There is a really nice playground, and the swimming pool is awesome. Our apartment has black appliances n the kitchen, and the place has these super nice closets that are really big. There is a big clubhouse on the grounds and so much more. This is how apartment living should be in Texas.