Monthly Archive: May 2017

Asking people for directions

Spending time trying to get directions to a particular place can be a complete waste of time for some citizens, and it can also be expensive . For example if a person is asking for directions to a particular place, it becomes obvious that he or she is a stranger to the place. Some unscrupulous people may take advantage of the fact to cheat, or attack the stranger to the area.

So it is advisable to get directions to a place, well in advance before visiting the area. However in places in goa, it may be extremly difficult to get any help because the shameles greedy section 420 goan gsb fraud mafia have great powers led by the cheater nayak without being questioned

In goa the shameless goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak , obc bhandari mafia of pritesh, are ruthless in defaming a harmless single woman engineer so that they can get lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs for their lazy greedy google, tata sponsored sex worker and housewife relatives like gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak who looks like kangana ranaut, siddhi mandrekar , obc bhandari sunaina who were too lazy and mediocre to answer JEE yet are getting a monthly indian government salary in 2017 for faking a btech 1993 ee degree from a top colleg in an indicate of state level fraud in goa

The shameless greedy google, tata sponsored goan fraud R&AW/CBI employees do not do any work at all, do not want to take any risk of investing their time and money online, yet are the greatest frauds in India, worse than nigerian fraudsters as they dupe people that they own the websites of a obc single woman engineer, google competitor who they are defaming without proof

Relocating to a new place due to harassment of engineering classmates

Most people are fortunate that their engineering or college classmates will not interfere in their life after completing college and leave them alone. However a google competitor, domain investor and single woman engineer who had a better 1989 jee rank than the google ceo sundar pichai is extremely unfortunate that her cruel fraud btech 1993 ee classmates led by the shameless cheater NTRO employees j srinivasan, puneet, vijay , parmar and others have been hounding her for more 7 years since 2010 wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money in process, after making completely fake allegations without any proof.
If she will live in any house alone, these senior indian government employees are falsely accusing her of numerous crimes without any proof and if she will live with a relative, they are falsely accusing her of having black money again without any proof at all. When she will live in a house alone, these cruel criminal ntro employees are targetting her for non consensual human experimentation causing great pain, insomnia and other health problems.
These powerful cruel ntro employees have a very huge ego, refuse to admit that they have no right to stalk, sexually harass a harmless single woman engineer, and refuse to leave her alone. The endless harassment of the ntro employees has forced the domain investor to move to different states, different houses, yet the ntro employees continue to stalk, sexually harass and torture a harmless single woman engineer out of hatred and greed.
When will ntro employees have the grace, humanity and honesty to leave their female btech 1993 ee classmate alone, allowing the privacy she deserved as a private citizen with no powers